Message from the Fire Chief
Hello, and welcome to the Delta Community Fire Department’s web page. The Delta Community Fire Department is composed of a dedicated group of 40 full-time, part-time and paid-on-call (volunteer) members.
The department operates out of two stations: The main Fire Station at the intersection of Main and Madison Streets, as well as an EMS station on County Road FG, just south of Main Street.
Governed and operated by York Township, the department serves all of the Village of Delta as well as portions of York, Pike, Fulton and Swancreek Townships.
The Delta Community Fire Department responds to an average of 1000 calls for service each year. To successfully do this, our members hold State of Ohio Firefighter 1 or 2 certifications as well as EMT and/or paramedic certifications. It is a privilege to serve with such a dedicated and professional group of men and women and it’s our goal to treat every person we come in contact with like a member of our family.
Thank you for all the support.
Jeremy Gillen, Fire Chief

Delta Community Fire Department
The Delta Community Fire Department is proud to serve over 92 square miles that include all of York Township and portions of Swancreek, Pike and Fulton Townships. We respond to several types of fires annually, including residential, commercial and industrial structure fires, vehicle fires, brush fires and other types of fires throughout the community.
The Delta Community Fire Department employs a total of 33 full-time, part-time and paid-on-call members. Our first responders are all cross-trained in firefighting and responding to EMS calls. Common EMS calls include chest pain, mental health issues, drug overdoses, difficulty breathing and diabetic emergencies. Additionally, we respond to trauma calls which include motor vehicle crashes, industrial accidents and falls.
Our department provides the following primary emergency responses to our community.
- Fire suppression
- Emergency medical services
- Hazardous materials – operations level
- Rescue services
- Natural disaster response
Non-emergency services include
- Public fire safety education
- Fire code enforcement
- Fire Investigation
The department’s fleet includes two engines, one water tender, one heavy rescue, one brush truck, two Advanced Life Support Ambulances, one rescue boat and one chief’s command vehicle.

Fire Department History
The Delta Community Fire Department was first established in 1868 when it was decided that a small, three-person committee should be appointed to examine all houses, shops, meeting houses and asheries for fire hazards. At that time, the settlement relied on natural streams, ordinary wells and bucket brigades to handle fires. It was not until 1873 that the village council passed an ordinance to purchase a hand fire engine, hose, hose cart and ladder wagon to be used within the incorporated Village of Delta.
- 1880 – Delta Fire Co. was developed, acting under the name of Hall Pacific Fire Co. No. 1
- 1885 – The first building was purchased for the fire company on lot #97
- 1894 – A town hall was built with room to support a fire station.
- 1905 – The first uniforms were purchased for $18.50
- 1949 – Delta had the first Rescue & Emergency team with a rescue truck in Fulton County
- 1952 – Delta had the first fire alarm system which notified all firefighters at the same time of a fire or emergency
- 1957 – Delta had the first 4-wheel drive Grass/Field fire truck
- 1985 – The dept formed a scuba team with six trained members
- 1986 – The first explorer program in the Delta department was sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America

Our mission is to prevent the loss of life and to reduce the loss of property by applying all of our professional knowledge and resources.
We will risk our lives to save a life, we will risk a lot to save property, and we will conservatively reduce the impact to something that is already lost or destroyed.
The Delta Community Fire Department holds current memberships with the following associations.
- Fulton County Fireman’s Association
- Northwest Ohio Volunteer Fireman’s Association
- Ohio state fireman’s Association
- We have also remained a chartered member of the NOVFA since 1934.
Delta Community Fire Department Station Information
Station Officers
Fire Chief- Jeremy Gillen
Assistant Fire Chief- Jon Gillen
Captains- Sean Griewahn and Josh Heinemann
Lieutenants- Sean Smith and Jon Marvin
Contact Us
Delta Community Fire Department – Get in Touch
To send comments or questions to the Delta Community Fire & EMS Department, please complete the following form.
** If you have an emergency, call 911 to have emergency units dispatched to your location. **

Contact York Township
Township Hall
6955 Co. Rd. FG
Delta, OH 43515